3 Estate Plan Lists You Should Make Today

estate planning

The great thing about lists, like your “Honey Do” or “To Do” list, is that they prioritize items and keep them top-of-mind. They also help keep you organized so you can get more done.

And that’s great.

Plus, lists let you delegate chores to others. They let you make it clear to everyone what you want done, who should do it, and by when.

In much the same way, an estate plan leaves a written record that organizes your affairs and tells others (the court, your attorney, your loved ones) how you want your property, belongings, cash, and financial assets distributed, and to whom.

If you don’t make your intentions clear and leave a written record now, while you are still alive, mentally healthy, and able to do so, then you are leaving it to complete strangers —i.e., probate judges, hospitals etc.— to decide where your property should go and to whom when you die, or what medical treatments/interventions to give you if you become unable to speak or decide for yourself.

Not a pleasant thought.

And it is so unnecessary to leave everything to chance and the law. With the help of an experienced estate and probate lawyer, the process is easy.

You can get started right away by making the following 3 estate plan lists:

  1. Make a List of All Your Assets

So often, people think estate planning is only for the wealthy.

It’s not.

Estate planning is for all adults.

What many people overlook is that we all own property: a car, a boat, bank accounts, computers, jewelry, digital assets, a home, etc.

These are the assets that make up your estate.

Regardless of the size of your estate—whether it is big or small — start by taking an inventory and making a list of all your assets—just in case something happens.

Because if no one knows what you own, it will be difficult or virtually impossible to figure it out once you are gone.

And then make sure someone you trust knows where to find the list.

Better yet, if you live in Plantation Florida, take it to an estate and probate lawyer and turn it into a comprehensive estate plan.

  1. Make a List of all Necessary Business Information

If you are a business owner and are married or have a significant other, it is critical that your spouse/significant other knows some key details and information about your business in case he or she needs to jump in quickly.

Consider what the situation would be like if you were suddenly incapacitated or were to die and your spouse/significant other, who was not active in your business, was now responsible for making important decisions regarding it.

What information is important for him/her to know and have on hand depends on your particular business of course, but the point is that it is critical that you leave that information with him/her.

  1. Complete All Other Important Estate Planning Documents

Ok, so this one isn’t making a list exactly, but especially now during the pandemic, it is imperative that if you are over the age of 18, you complete all necessary estate planning documents such as advanced directives (health care surrogate designation, living will) and durable powers of attorney.

These documents are essential to have in place in the event of an unforeseen catastrophe (e.g., car accident, plane accident, sporting accident, etc.) that leaves you incapacitated.

So get them filled out.

And make sure they are accessible, and your loved ones know where to find them or that they have copies.

None of us know what the future holds. But planning now for taking care of your loved ones in the future doesn’t just make good sense: it provides you with peace of mind.

Talk to Our Estate Planning Lawyers

Don’t leave planning for your future and that of your loved ones to chance. All it takes is one phone call to SJF Law Group to ensure that your wishes will be followed, and your loved ones taken care of when you are gone. We expertly guide individuals through the complex probate process, and capably handle all aspects of the creation, administration, and settlement of trusts as well.

We specialize in navigating individuals through the intricate probate process and proficiently manage all facets of trust creation, administration, and settlement. SJF Law Group works with clients in the vibrant communities of Plantation, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, and Miami, FL. Offering both in-person and virtual appointments statewide, our law firm ensures easy access to our services, regardless of your location.

To book a consultation with one of our experienced estate planning lawyers, call 954-580-3690 or email [email protected].

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